
    CEO’s Message

    Navdeep Singh Hooda

    The role of forests and trees in providing services to humans has further become significant as they combat the adverse effects of the climate change through carbon sequestration and climate amelioration. Forests are the lungs of our planet earth and its effective conservation requires a state of harmony between the people and the land. To work on the same line of thought, the “Haryana State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority” (State Authority) was constituted in accordance with the provisions of Section-10 of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016 and notification of Compensatory Afforestation Fund Rules, 2018. The establishment of this authority was to inculcate into a holistic framework that ensures safety, security and timely yet transparent utilisation of funds collected from the User agencies for the diversion of forest land for non-forestry purposes as per the provisions of Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and its subsequent amendments.

    Further, the funds received from the User agencies are deposited in the interest-bearing sector of the State’s Public Accounts under General and Reserve Funds. The State CAMPA is the fund’s custodian and is responsible for governing its use according to the Approved Annual Plan of Operations for each Financial Year, as well as for maintaining its accounts.

    Some of the activities for which the State CAMPA funds may be utilized are raising Compensatory Afforestation in cases of diversion of Forest Land for non-Forestry purposes, Catchment Area Treatment, assisted natural regeneration, soil moisture conservation, forest fire control, soil moisture conservation, management of biological diversity and biological resources, purchase and maintenance of communication devices, survey and mapping of forest area, silvicultural operation in forests, construction, maintenance and up-gradation of inspection paths, forest roads etc.

    The Haryana State CAMPA aspires to be a devoted organisation that believes in effective management of funds by working as a catalyst for excellence in forestry with a vision of benefiting collective ecological conscious, while being mindful of the needs for sustainable development. Our motto lies in managing and maintaining the unique bio-diversity of our region in collaboration with stakeholders to meet the needs of current and future generations. We aim to bring value to the funds by being innovative, creative and by imparting effective research-intensive training and capacity building. We also work towards conservation, management and regeneration of existing forest cover in addition to protection of wildlife within and outside the protected areas.

    “Every Green Tree Is Far More Glorious, Than If It Were Made of Gold and Silver”