Monitoring and Evaluation
Annual Audit
Section 27 and 29 (for States/U.T.) of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016, provide for audit and certification of the accounts of State Authority concerned by C&AG and laying of the audit report in the State Legislature concerned.
Annual audit of the accounts of the State Authority for the year 2018-19 has been carried out during the year 2019-20 by the Audit Party deputed by Principal Accountant General, Haryana. Details of audit para pending as on date with its reply are attached as Annexure-16.
E-green Watch Outcome:
The Supreme Court in T. N. Godavarman case, had clearly directed on 2nd July 2009 that an independent system for concurrent monitoring and evaluation of the works implemented in the states utilizing the funds available will be evolved and implemented to ensure effective and proper utilization of funds. In compliance of these directions, the MoEF & CC, New Delhi has developed a portal called “e-Green Watch” which is an integrated and online system working in a completely transparent, reliable, and accountable way. The e-Green Watch portal aims to facilitate the automation of various processes involved in monitoring and evaluation of various projects being undertaken by the State CAMPA. It empowers all the administrators to monitor the progress made under various projects that are being carried out using the CAMPA funds.
During the year, regular trainings and hands on practice sessions were conducted for the Divisional Forest Officers and the technical personnel engaged for the management of information and data on the e-Green Watch portal
Monitoring & Evaluation of the Works:
Under the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016, independent and concurrent third-party monitoring and evaluation of the works undertaken by the State CAMPA is an important requirement. In accordance with the roles and responsibilities of the technical officers defined in the Forest Manual, the officers from Range Forest Officer and above upto PCCF carry out regular pre and post plantation inspections to ensure technical quality of the works. Corrective measures suggested during such inspections are communicated to the frontline staff through inspection notes and regular compliance of the measures suggested is ensured. Such inspections are also carried out by the officers from the Integrated Regional Office (IRO) of MOEF and CC located at Chandigarh. The officers from the IRO ensure that the plantation and other works undertaken by the State Authority are executed following technical and financial parameters as defined in the relevant rules.
The Department has in built mechanism of monitoring and evaluation of plantation and allied works carried out by forest divisions. The Monitoring and Evaluation Wing of the Department headed by CCF carries out regular concurrent monitoring of the works undertaken by the forest divisions under different schemes funded by the State and Central Government. The abstract and reach wise monitoring and evaluation of the plantations carried out utilizing CAMPA funds by the Monitoring and Evaluation Wing during the year 2018 is given in Annexure-17.
Apart from the regular monitoring by the Monitoring and Evaluation Wing, the State Authority undertook third party independent evaluation of the works undertaken by the Authority during the year 2020-21. An independent agency named Environmental Research Monitoring Conservation Society; Lucknow was selected through e-tendering process. The abstract and reach wise Monitoring and Evaluation of the works undertaken by the State Authority during the year 2020-21 is given in Annexure-18.
Links to Data Submission for Activities under APO 2021-22
- Link To Fill Form For CA Plantation FINAL APO 2021-22:
- Link To Fill Form For NPV Plantation FINAL APO 2021-22:
- Link To Fill Form For SMC Works FINAL APO 2021-22:
- Link To Fill Form For Building/Construction Works FINAL APO 2021-22:
- Link To Fill Form For Wildlife Wing FINAL APO 2021-22:
- Link To Fill Form For Development Wing FINAL APO
Internal Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)
- 2018-19 Department Wing Monitoring (PDF 214 KB)
- 2019-20 M & E Report by Forest Department Wing (PDF 156 KB)
- 2020-21 M & E by Department (PDF 299 KB)
- 2016-2021 M & E Cumulative Report by Forest Department
Presentations on Proposed APO for CAMPA and Associated Components
Third Party
- 2010-11 Monitoring and Evaluation report by Third Party
- 2011-12 Monitoring and Evaluation Report by Third Party
- 2012-13 & 2013-14 Monitoring and Evaluation (South-West Circle) & (North- Central Circle)
- 2014-15 Monitoring and Evaluation Report by Third Party
- 2015-16 Monitoring and Evaluation Report by Third Party
- 2016-17 Monitoring and Evaluation Report by Third Party
- 2017-18 Monitoring and Evaluation Report by Third Party
- 2018-19 Monitoring and Evaluation Report by Third Party
- 2019-20 Monitoring and Evaluation Report by Third Party
- 2020-21 Monitoring and Evaluation Report by Third Party