
    About the Authority


    Prior to the enactment of Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016, in compliance of the directions of the Supreme Court and guidelines issued by the MoEF & CC, New Delhi on 2nd July 2009, Haryana Government had constituted the State CAMPA vide notification no. 5330-Ft-4-09/511 dated 08.01.2010. The State Authority, CAMPA was comprised of i) the Governing Body chaired by Hon’ble Chief Minister, Haryana, ii) the Steering Committee chaired by the Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana and iii)…

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    Hon'ble Forest Minister Sh. Rao Narbir Singh Member CAMPA Governing Body
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    Chief Secretary, Haryana Sh. Vivek Joshi, IAS Chief Secretary, Haryana, Chairperson CAMPA Steering Committee
    Addl. Chief Secretary Sh. Anand Mohan Sharan, IAS, ACS Forest & Wildlife Deptt, CAMPA
    WhatsApp Image 2025-01-09 at 14.44.36
    PCCF (HoFF) Sh. Vineet Kumar Garg, IFS
    Chairperson CAMPA Executive Committee
    Navdeep Singh Hooda
    Chief Executive Officer Sh. Navdeep Singh Hooda, IFS

    CEO’s Message

    Navdeep Singh Hooda

    The role of forests and trees in providing services to humans has further become significant as they combat the adverse effects of the climate change through carbon sequestration and climate amelioration. Forests are the lungs of our planet earth and its effective conservation requires a state of harmony between the people and the land. To work on the same line of thought, the “Haryana State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority” (State Authority) was constituted in accordance with the provisions of Section-10 of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016…..




    Annual Reports

    March 10, 2012

    Haryana is a small State in the Gangetic plains meeting Shivalik foothills in the North and Aravalli in the Southwest. Agriculture is the main land use of the State with 81% area under agriculture. The geographical area of the State is 44212 Sq. Km. which…

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    Case Study

    Gurugram Project

    Forest & Wildlife Department Gurugram Project

    Location / Project Site (State)- In the endeavor to conserve soil and moisture, 3 ponds…

    Hisar Case Study

    Forest & Wildlife Department Hisar Project

    Location / Project Site (State)- To improve the habitat of wild animals and insure the…

    View All
    • Trees Plantation
    • Mango Tress Farming
    • Compensatory Afforestation